Spectre du soir sur la plage by Salvador Dali set a record at Sothbys selling for a whopping 5.7 Million dollars. Salvador Dali is on his way to compete with Picasso at auction. We are accustom to seeing these kinds of prices for Picasso works, but lately we are seeing more works by Dali come up in the 1.5 to 4 Million range, and now 5.7 Million!
You can own a work by Dali starting as low as $1900.00, hand signed. Many limited edition works are selling anywhere from $2500.00 to $15,000.00 and some are as much as $75,000.00 The average person has very little time left to take advantage of affordable prices. Once the market realizes what is going on, the same thing that happened with Picasso, Chagall, Miro and Warhol, will happen with Dali. We are already seeing the trend as prices are rising and many titles are becoming difficult if not impossible to find. Call 888-888-3254 and ask for Dan if you are interested in a FREE catalog.