Thursday, January 20, 2011

Salvador Dali High Museum 5th best attended exhibit in history of museum

Dalí fifth best-attended exhibit in High Museum history

The High Museum of Art's "Dalí: The Late Work" exhibition drew 20,214 during an open-for-31-hours-straight grand finale, raising overall attendance to more than 270,000.

That makes it the fifth best-attended exhibit in High history. But considered in context, the numbers are more impressive: Three of the top-five shows were from the Atlanta museum's extended partnership with Paris' Louvre museum and ran for nearly a year each. The Dalí exhibit, by contrast, was up for 22 weeks.
"I certainly hoped the exhibit would be a big draw. To actually see the volumes of people was beyond my expectations," "Dalí" curator Elliott King said in an exclusive interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

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