Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fine Art Prints canvas or paper. Metal prints as well.

Click image above to view more works.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Salvador Dali Drawing Portrait

This is a pen drawing of Salvador Dali, available as a mounted print or canvas print.


Saturday, November 10, 2012


Monday, October 15, 2012

Salvador Dali Museum Exhibit

"Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello", it is one of 12 Salvador Dali works loaned for a temporary exhibit to the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Fla., from the National Collection of Modern Art in Spain. The works are on display at the Florida museum until March 31, 2013 in a show called "The Royal Inheritance: Dalì Works From the Spanish National Collection." The paintings, which span from 1918 to 1983, have never before been exhibited the United States.

For more Dali News and Events, GO HERE

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Salvador Dali's connection to Film "As Good as it Gets"

Salvador Dali's works and life have influenced everyone from Woody Allen to Lady Gaga, but one connection to film and media may not be as well known. James L Brooks is known for his work on The Simpsons film, Broadcast News, Taxi, Mary Tyler Moore show and many others. Brooks love of Dali becomes apparent in the Epiphany scene in The Simpsons as shown here, a creation that resembles the well known painting at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) titled: "Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali.
You can see the obvious reference when you compare the images.

Brooks is also known for the film "As Good As It Gets" with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt.
Look at this image of Jack Nicholson as he sits and works on his book as the character Melvin Udall, a misanthrope novelist in New York who resides not far from where Dali lived for 10 years in the
 1960's and 70's.

If you look at the portait on the wall of Udall's apartment, you see an image of Salvador Dali.

Another and very obvious Dali reference in the film takes place when Greg Kinnear's character Simon Bishop is inspired to start creating art again once he sees Helen Hunts character Carol Connely sitting on the edge of a tub about to bathe. Notice the position of the towell on her lap and the position she is seated in and then look at the image below that shows one of Dali's best known works which features a nude Gala, Dali's wife.

"My wife nude contemplating her own flesh becoming stairs,
three vertebrae of a column, sky and architecture"
Salvador Dali

If you would like to see other film or TV references to Dali, there is a page located
on the well known Dali site salvadordaliexperts.com

Email us any questions about Dali or owning a copy of the authorized
signed print above.

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